Welcome to the official Website of Pensive Proletariat Press


I’m Drew. I write. It’s ideal that other people see the things that I write. So I’ve conceived this Micropress. Initially the focus will be on zines and chapbooks; however, I will eventually be printing my novels as well when my finances allow. I’m a radical Science Fictionist. I also write about Mental Health in hopes of promoting knowledge and acceptance. I can’t afford to print everything I write; so there will be exclusive content here. The last component is social and political principles I believe in throughout the various pieces and pages as well as occasional pieces focusing on the principles themselves. The writers who most influence me are: Leo Tolstoy, Philip K. Dick, Italo Calvino, Isaac Asimov, Ursula K. Le guin, James Joyce, Jack Kerouac, Jean-Paul Sartre, Kurt Vonnegut, Ray Bradbury, Octavia Butler, and Michael Moorcock. I listen to punk, hip-hop, and drug metal. I eat PB & J. I drink way too much coffee and smoke with an electronic apparatus  entirely excessively.

I’ve already released two issues of my primary zine, “Spaceships & Schizophrenia” which are available for purchase. Early next month, I will release issue #3 of S & S as well as issue #1 of Stream of Consciousness is INSTRUMENTAL. In this I will listen to unconventional records and allow my mind to wander and guide my fingers. I’ve been doing this for roughly a decade, and am really excited about this. Also, there will be a small collection of Poetry. I’m also working on a novel; although, I currently have no idea how I will fund that. I’m looking for work, and am saving what little I can. Anyways, check out the site and/or the zines. I hope you enjoy them but at the same time, I’m not sweating it, haha.

Feel free to hit me up for any reason at all: pensiveprolepress@gmail.com .


Andrew M. Timmerman